VoCA Talk: Daniela Rivera / by Daniela Rivera

Watch Daniela Rivera and curator Leah Triplett Harrington discuss Daniela’s practice and projects, as well as the role that drawing plays in her work. This Voices in Contemporary Art talk was filmed in Daniela’s studio in September of 2020.

The program’s description from the VoCA Talk: Daniela Rivera page:

“This VoCA Talk features artist Daniela Rivera in conversation with curator Leah Triplett Harrington. Filmed in Rivera's studio in September 2020, the two discuss seven distinct bodies of Rivera's work alongside earlier sketches. In Rivera's interdisciplinary practice, she engages not only her own body but also others, to consider place and presence. Suggesting that drawing is the connective tissue of her work, this Talk explores how Rivera's practice relates to the body and, therefore, themes of vulnerability, visibility, and materiality.”